Public offer for provision of paid consultation services
City of Moscow
As amended on 06.02.2024

1. General provisions.

1.1. This document, available on the Internet at (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor's Website”), constitutes an offer by the Individual entrepreneur Olga Valerievna Startseva, INN 773004609120, OGRN 321774600806200 (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) to conclude a Contract for provision of: (a) consultation Services regarding personal growth, and/or (b) supplementary education Services (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”, “Public Offer”) with any interested natural person meeting the criteria outlined in Ps. 1.3.1 - 1.3.9 of this Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”), that will be provided to a group of attendees.
This document is a public offer as per Section 2 Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
1.2. The acceptance of this Public Offer is the 100% payment for the chosen Service by the Customer. The list of consultation Services is available on the Contractor's Website under the “Services” section, the list of supplementary education Services is available on the Contractor's Website under the “Education” section -
1.2.1. Supplementary education services can be provided in the form of study sessions as group programs, as well as in the form of purchase of video recordings made by the Contractor by the Customer in accordance.
1.3. By performing actions on the acceptance of this Public Offer, the Customer:
1.3.1. confirms that he/she has attentively familiarized himself/herself with and consents to all the provisions of the Public Offer and, consequently, to all the provisions of the Contract to be concluded;
1.3.2. confirms the eligibility to carry out his/her actions: possession of authorisation, legal capability, being 18 years of age or older, possession of a legal right to conclude a contract with the Contractor, as well as the voluntary nature of his/her actions for concluding the Contract;
1.3.3. consents to receive informational and/or promotional mailout from the Contractor to the Customer’s e-mail address and/or telephone number (including online messenger applications) provided during the registration at the Contractor's Website. The validity of consent extends from the moment of acceptance of this Public Offer until the moment of consent revocation that is to be sent to the Contractor’s postal address;
1.3.4. consents to collection (accumulation, storage) of the personal data provided in the process of conclusion and execution of the Contract;
1.3.5. is conscious of and consents to audio and video recording of the provision of Services using an online service that has been agreed upon by the Parties for the provision of Services;
1.3.6. consents, in accordance with Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to the use of the Customer's image that was obtained, inter alia, as a result of video recording of the provision of Services by the Contractor through an online service agreed upon by the Parties for the provision of Services, and for its subsequent use by the Contractor in cases provided for in the Contract.
1.3.7. confirms that he/she has read and consents to all the conditions and rules for accepting payments of the payment systems used by the Contractor and to which the Customer is redirected when paying for the Contractor's Services, including, but not limited to:, and other payment systems used by the Contractor;
1.3.8. confirms that he/she has read and consents to all the rules of, the online service (Platform) used by the Contractor for the provision of Services under the Contract, as well as, and other online services used by the Contractor for the provision of Services under the Contract.
1.3.9. confirms that at the time of conclusion of the Contract:
— is not under the care of a psychiatrist;
— is not undergoing treatment with psychotropic medication;
— is not suffering from alcoholism;
— has no drug addiction;
— does not have epilepsy;
— is not in an acute phase of neurosis, depression;
— does not have a high level of anxiety and/or panic attacks;
— has no nervous or mental illnesses;
1.3.10. confirms that the provision of Services that takes place remotely with the use of software (hereinafter referred to as Software) by the Contractor under the concluded Contract fully corresponds to the Customer's ability to use the Services provided in this manner.
1.3.11. The Services provided are not aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses, are not of medical nature, do not replace or complement professional medical Services.
1.3.12. The Contractor is not an educational organization providing educational Services by means of implementation of educational programs. Supplementary education services do not require a license for educational activities in accordance with the Federal Law.

2. Subject of the Contract.

2.1. The Contractor assumes an obligation to provide the Customer with Services, the list of which is available at the Contractor's Website (hereinafter referred to as Services), and the Customer assumes an obligation to pay for the Contractor's Services in accordance with the procedure and conditions provided for in the Contract.
2.2. For the provision of Services, the Contractor has the right to involve third parties at its own option and discretion (hereinafter referred to as Specialists), who are professional psychologists, teachers, opinion leaders in the field of the Services provided – specialists with supporting documents on higher professional education. The Contractor provides the Customer with the possibility to choose a Specialist from those offered on the Contractor's Website with regard to the specific Service selected by the Customer.

3. Cost of Services and payment procedure.

3.1. The cost and list of Services under this contract are available at the Contractor's Website located at:, in the sections "Services" and "Education", and can be changed unilaterally by the Contractor at any time. The changes take effect from the moment of publication and do not apply to Services that had been paid for at the time of the publication of changes.
3.2. The cost of Services may depend on the qualifications and experience of the Specialist involved in the provision of Services, as well as on the duration of the provision of Services.
3.3. The payment for Services constitutes a 100% advance payment and is carried out by the Customer at his/her choice: - through electronic payments using payment systems. After ordering a Service, the Customer is redirected to the payment system webpage, where he/she can pay for the Service in any convenient way choosing from the options offered by the specified payment system. The payment is made to the Contractor's current account, except for the case specified in clause 3.1. of this Public Offer.
3.3.1. The authorized agent of the Contractor for accepting payments from Customers located outside the Russian Federation is Aleksandr Sergeevich Khlebodarov, acting under the agency agreement concluded with the Contractor. Payment is made using the payment systems offered by the aforementioned agent to the agent's bank account details specified in clause 12 of this Public Offer.
3.4. After the payment has been credited to the Contractor's account or has been confirmed in the payment system, the Customer receives all the necessary information to access the Services via the e-mail address provided when placing the order.
3.5. For the purposes of this Public Offer, payment is considered to be made by the Customer from the moment of: - confirmation of payment execution by the credit institution or the payment system serving the Customer.
3.6. The cost of Services does not include the commission charged by banks or payment systems for making a payment. Commission costs (if any) are covered by the Customer additionally.
3.7. In case of inability to provide Services caused by the fault of the Customer, the Services are subject to payment in full. The Customer is entitled to use the right to postpone the time of the provision of Services on the terms provided for in this Contract.
3.8. In case of non-provision of Services under this Contract due to the fault of the Contractor, the Customer has the right to refund previously deposited funds under the Contract in the amount of 100% of the advance payment made or to postpone the date of provision of the Service (by agreement with the Customer).

4. Procedure for the provision and acceptance of Services.

4.1. The form of Service provision is remote, via the Internet, using online services:, or the messenger applications Telegram, WhatsApp or other communication methods agreed upon by the Customer via messenger or e-mail.
4.2. The Services are provided to the Customer after a 100% advance payment for the corresponding selected Service and after the agreement between the Specialist and the Customer pertaining to the date and time of Service provision has been reached.
4.3. At the scheduled time, the Customer contacts the Contractor using the method of communication agreed upon in advance, specified in clause 4.1. of the Public Offer and agreed upon with the Contractor.
4.4. If the Customer is late for the scheduled time of provision of the Service, the time of provision of such Service is reduced by the time of the Customer's delay.
If the Customer is late for the scheduled time, provision of the Service may be postponed to a different date by prior agreement with the Contractor only in case of notification of the need for postponement in accordance with clauses 5.2.6, 5.2.7 of this Contract. If the Customer is late by more than 30 minutes and the Customer has not notified the Contractor about the delay in accordance with clauses 5.2.6, 5.2.7 of this Contract, the Services are subject to payment in full, since the inability to provide the Services is considered to have arisen due to the fault of the Customer. If the Customer has not notified the Contractor of the need to postpone the Service in accordance with clauses 5.2.6, 5.2.7 of this Contract, the Services are subject to payment in full, since the inability to provide the Services is considered to have arisen due to the fault of the Customer. There is no refund in this case.
4.5. The Services are considered to have been provided by the Contractor properly and accepted by the Customer if, within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of provision of the Services, the Contractor has not received reasoned written objections (claims) from the Customer.
4.6. The Contractor has the right to make audio and video recordings of the provision of Services during the provision of Services. Prior to the start of the provision of Services, the Contractor additionally notifies the Customer about the audio-video recording. If the Customer objects to the audio-video recording of the Services described in subclause (a) of clause 1.1. of the Contract, audio-video recording is not carried out. If the Customer objects to the audio-video recording of the Services described in subclause (b) of clause 1.1. of the Contract, the Customer's image may be hidden by using the image offered by the service for anonymous users, if said service offers such a technical possibility.
4.7. When providing the services described in subclause (a) of clause 1.1. of the Contract to the Customer on individual basis, the Contractor may subsequently use the produced audio-video recording exclusively in relations with the Customer and such recordings are not to be provided to third parties. A copy of the audio-video recording is to be sent to the Customer.
4.8. When providing the services described in subclause (b) of clause 1.1. of the Contract, in cases where the services are provided to a group of persons, the Contractor has the right to use the produced audio-video recordings to provide services to third parties. The Customer is granted access to the video recording of the provision of services for 1 (one) year from the date of provision of services.
4.8. Within 1 (one) month from the date of provision of the services, the Contractor guarantees to provide support for the Customer in the Contractor's chat in Telegram messenger. Answers to the Customer's questions, clarifications, recommendations, etc. pertaining to the provision of services are provided by the Contractor's Specialist.

4. Rights and obligations of the Parties.

5.1. The Contractor is obliged to:
5.1.1. Organize and ensure the proper provision of Services to the Customer in accordance with the clauses of this Contract.
5.1.2. Organize and ensure the provision of Services to the Customer and the use of modern methods.
5.1.3. Preserve the confidentiality of the fact of the Customer's request, the Customer's personal data and other information that may be received from the Customer during the provision of Services.
5.1.4. Provide the Customer with information, including information on the cost of Services, the terms of their provision, the duration of the provision of Services, as well as information on the qualifications of Specialists providing Services.
5.1.5. Return the deposited funds in full in case it is impossible to provide the Service in the absence of the fault of the Customer.
5.2. The Customer is obliged to:
5.2.1. In order to receive Services, supply the Contractor with all the necessary truthful information about oneself may constitute a contraindication to the provision of Services, including the following:
— being under the care of a psychiatrist, taking medications;
— epilepsy;
— acute phase of neurosis, depression;
— high levels of anxiety and panic attacks;
— nervous and mental illnesses.
If the Customer has withheld the necessary information from the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to refuse the provision of Services and is not responsible for the Services provided.
5.2.2. By the scheduled time, ensure the availability of a stable Internet connection, the operability of the communication method agreed upon by the Parties, through which the Service will be provided.
5.2.3. Pay for Services in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 3 of this Contract.
5.2.4. When receiving Services: - comply with generally accepted norms of behavior, avoid rude, disrespectful, aggressive behavior during the provision of Services; - do not appear during the provision of Services with signs / in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication; - provide only reliable and truthful information about oneself and one’s contact details.
5.2.5. As part of the provision of Services, follow the recommendations of the Specialist, if any are given.
5.2.6. In the event of the Customer's cancellation of the Services specified in clause 1.1 (a) of the Public Offer, the Customer undertakes to notify the Contractor in a timely manner, at least one (1) day before the start of the provision of Services, of the postponement or cancellation of the time for the provision of Services. In this case, the Parties have the right to set a new time for the provision of Services. In case of cancellation of the Service in compliance with the notification period, the Contractor returns the received funds in full using the same payment method that was used to receive said funds. The refund is carried out by the Contractor within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the refund application with the attachment of the payment receipt.
5.2.7. In the event of the Customer's cancellation of the Services specified in clause 1.1 (b) of the Offer, the Customer undertakes to notify the Contractor of the cancellation of the Service within a period not exceeding the first 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the start of the provision of Services. In this case, the Contractor will refund the amount paid by the Customer minus the actual expenses incurred by the Contractor related to the organization of the provision of Services, which amounts to 7% (seven percent) of the cost of Services. The refund is carried out by the Contractor within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the refund application with the attachment of the payment receipt.
5.3. The Contractor has the right to:
5.3.1. Independently determine the forms and methods of providing Services, as well as the specific conditions of this Contract.
5.3.2. Involve third parties for the provision of Services.
5.3.3. Independently determine the contingent of Specialists providing Services.
5.3.4. Receive the information necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Contract from the Customer.
5.3.5. Receive payment from the Customer for the provision of Services under this Contract.
5.3.6. If the Contractor is unable to provide the Service at the scheduled time (for valid reasons – a Specialist's illness, etc.), the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer 1 (one) day before the stated date and postpone the provision of Services to a different time or offer to choose a different Specialist. For this purpose, the appointment is shifted to the nearest available date and time by agreement with the Customer.
5.3.8. Terminate the provision of Services to the Customer in the event of:
— rude, disrespectful, aggressive behavior during the provision of Services;
— withholding of the facts as per clause 5.2.1;
— the Customer’s appearing with signs / in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication during the provision of Services.
5.4. The Customer has the right to:
5.4.1. Receive the Services from the Contractor within the scope corresponding to the terms of the Contract.
5.4.2. Contact the Contractor on all issues related to the provision of Services.

6. Privacy and data protection.

6.1. The Contractor ensures the confidentiality of personal data and other information received from the Customer, except in the cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. The Contractor uses personal data only to fulfill its obligations to the Customer.

7. Liability.

7.1. The Contractor is not responsible for the inability to provide Services to the Customer for reasons beyond the Contractor's control, namely: disruption of the Internet, malfunction of equipment or software on the part of the Customer.
7.2. None of the information, materials and/or consultations provided by the Contractor as part of the provision of Services under this contract are to be considered as guarantees. Decision-making based on any and all information provided by the Contractor is the exclusive responsibility of the Customer.
7.3. The Contractor is not responsible for how the Customer makes use of the information received, for the decisions that the Customer makes, and is not responsible for the feelings and emotions that the Customer experiences, as well as for his/her physical well-being.
7.4. The Customer is responsible for any and all actions taken during the receipt of the Services and for the accuracy of the information provided to the Contractor.
7.5. The Customer is responsible to himself/herself for following (or not following) the Contractor's recommendations, the life application (or non-application) of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of collaboration with the Contractor, for achieving (or not achieving) the set goals.
7.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the actions of banks, electronic payment systems, through which payments and refunds are administered, during the conclusion, execution and termination of the Contract. The Contractor is not responsible for breach of time limits for refunds to the Customer upon modification or termination of the Contract, as well as for the impossibility of such a refund, if these violations are directly or indirectly caused by sanctions and restrictions imposed by the Russian Federation or against it in the banking sector (including those against the bank of one of the parties to this Contact or against the banks of both parties to this Contract imposed by authorized entities).
7.7. The Parties are released from the responsibility to fulfill their obligations under this Contract and from any liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment (including in the form of damages or any other remedies for violation of the Contract from the moment when the obstacle led to the impossibility of fulfillment), if this non-fulfillment was the result of insuperable force (force majeure) that arose after the conclusion of the contract as a result of events of extraordinary nature, the occurrence of which the party that failed to fulfill its obligations could have neither foreseen, nor prevented by any reasonable measures (the obstacle is beyond the reasonable control of the party who could not avoid or overcome its consequences). Force majeure circumstances include, but not by way of limitation: epidemics, pandemics, emergencies, inter alia in the health sector, war, hostilities, fire, natural disasters, military operations of any nature, blockades, export or import bans, strikes, civil unrest, delays due to an accident or adverse weather conditions, application of international sanctions, introduction of restrictive measures, inter alia in the banking sector (including blocking international payments, the inability to make payments in a certain currency), introduction of restrictive measures by public and/or municipal authorities (changes in the current legislation or any other circumstances that the affected party cannot really influence and which it could not reasonably foresee, while also not allowing to fulfill obligations under this agreement, the occurrence of which not being a direct or indirect result of the action or inaction by one of the parties). In the event of the occurrence of the circumstances provided for in this clause, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations by the party is postponed in proportion to the duration of these circumstances and their consequences (provided that it is impossible to fulfill obligations due to the occurrence of these circumstances).
7.8. Information materials provided by the Contractor to the Customer for work in the process of providing Services, as well as special materials and any information provided to the Customer under this agreement, constitute the intellectual property of the Contractor. Illegal use (reproduction, distribution, import, public display, etc.) of the specified materials, information, works and manuals for the purpose of making a profit without the written consent of the Contractor entails liability provided for by current legislation.

8. Dispute settlement procedure.

8.1. In the event of a dispute arising from this Contract, extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure is mandatory in all cases, except for those described in clause 6.3 of this Contract, the Customer sends claims by e-mail from the Customer's e-mail address specified when filling out the form to the Contractor's e-mail address ________________________, The Contractor sends claims by e-mail from the Contractor’s e-mail address _________________________ to the Customer's email address specified when filling out the form.
8.2. The Party receiving the claim is obliged to respond to it within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date of receipt.
8.3. Claims sent to the Contractor are reviewed within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.4. The extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure is mandatory for the Parties.
8.5. If an agreement is not reached, the dispute is referred to the court in compliance with the rules on jurisdiction established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Modification and termination of the Contract.

9.1. The Contractor reserves the right to modify or make additions to any of the terms of the Contract at any time by publishing all changes on the Website. The changes take effect from the date of publication on the Website. The version of the Public Offer that had existed on the date of acceptance applies to the Services that had been paid for by the Customer before the amendments and additions came into force.
9.2. The Parties have the right to terminate the Contract by mutual agreement at any time before its actual execution.
9.3. Taking into account Section 4 Article 421, Section 1 Article 782, Article 783, Article 717 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Parties have come to an agreement and established the following conditions and procedure for early termination of the Contract if the Customer unilaterally refuses to execute it: if the Customer wishes to terminate the Contract, he/she is obliged to:
9.3.1. send the Contractor a notice of unilateral refusal to perform the Contract (using the form in Appendix No. 1 to the Contract) from the Customer's e-mail address to the Contractor's e-mail address _______________________. The Contract is considered terminated from the moment the Contractor receives the Customer's Notification of the unilateral refusal to perform the Contract.
9.3.2. reimburse the Contractor for the actual expenses incurred related to the provision of Services under the Contract, including those determined by the Parties in the amount of 7 (seven) percent of the cost of the Service.

10. Territory and duration of the Contract.

10.1. The Contract is valid from the date of its conclusion, which is considered to be the date of acceptance of the Public Offer by the Customer, until the date of fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Parties under the Contract.
10.2. The Agreement is valid on the territory of all countries of the world and on the interactive information network of the Internet.

11. Final Provisions.

11.1. Exclusive and personal non-property rights in relation to the Website and any results of intellectual activity published on the Website, as well as all materials accessed by the Customer during the conclusion and execution of the Contract, belong to the Contractor (or third parties who granted the Contractor the right to use them) and are protected by the current Legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. Any information accessed by the Customer due to the receipt of Services under the Contract may not be copied, transferred to third parties, replicated, distributed, forwarded, published, made publicly available, used in commercial activities in any way electronically, on any medium or in any other form without additional agreements or an official written the consent of the Contractor.
11.3. The Contractor has the right to assign rights and transfer debts pertaining to all obligations arising from the Contract. The Customer hereby consents to the assignment of rights and transfer of debt to any third parties. The Contractor informs the Customer about the assignment of rights and/or transfer of debt by sending a corresponding message to the Customer's e-mail address.
11.4. The Parties recognize themselves as participants in electronic interaction in accordance with the current legislation and agree that all documents in electronic form signed with a simple electronic signature are recognized as electronic documents equivalent to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature. Electronic document management is carried out by the Parties at the e-mail addresses specified by the Contractor in the Contract and by the Customer when registering on the Website and (or) the Platform when filling out the form. When signing a document with a simple electronic signature (hereinafter referred to as the SES), the Identification of the Customer and the Contractor is carried out by means of the addresses of their electronic mailboxes and passwords to them. For this purpose, the e-mail address will be the public part of the SES key, and the password to it will be the private part of the SES key. The Parties guarantee that third parties do not know the passwords from the electronic mailboxes of the Parties. Each of the Parties has eliminated the possibility of documents being signed (including by means of SES) by unauthorized persons.
11.5. In all matters not regulated by the Contract, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Bank details of the Contractor.

IE OLGA VALERIEVNA STARTSEVA INN 773004609120 OGRN 321774600806200

Legal address:
1 Pobedy Sq
Building B, Apartment 150
121293 Moscow
Russian Federation

Bank name: PJSC Sberbank
Bank INN: 7707083893
RCBIC: 044525225
Corr. acc.: 30101810400000000225
Acc.: 40802810038000216381

Bank details of the Contractor's Agent for accepting payments outside the territory of the Russian Federation:

Individual Entrepreneur Aleksandr Khlebodarov
Legal Address: Georgia, Kobuleti city, 9 April street, N 7
Identification Number:‭ 346 993 863‬
Registration Number and Date: 07/09/2023
Registering Authority: LEPL National Agency of Public Registry
Beneficiary’s Bank JSC TBC Bank (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Beneficiary’s IBAN GE22TB7588445168200001
Intermediary Bank Citibank N.A. (New York, USA)
Intermediary Bank JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association (New York, USA)